The vision, in a few words

Creating a new society, without money and committed to the ecology and future generations

Civil duty

People shouldn’t work for money – because money will not be the reward for the work! Also, there will be no need for money to purchase products and services to live. In the proposed vision, people will work under two conditions:

Nowadays, most people work because they have to, therefore their motivation is lacking, and their productivity is low.


We don't propose starting a new political party and attempt to seize control over the country. Instead, It is proposed to establish the new model in the form of a new city in an existing state. The city will essentially be declared as a limited company or as a non-profit organization, and will interact with the outside society in a capitalist manner. Meaning, excess produce of the new community will be sold to external communities, which will in turn help fund the expenses of products and services that the new society cannot provide and therefore must acquire from outside. Despite this, the goal is to create a self-sustaining community. Even though there is no intent to force the new way everywhere, it is important to leave people with the choice whether to live in the new community or not.


The center of society is urban life. But the city cannot exist the way it does today. The new city model should allow inner comfort and maximal quality of life for 1-2 million people. How can that be made possible?

  1. The new city will be based on sustainable (preferably from non-depletable source) energy infrastructures (water and electricity).
  2. The city should allow the maximum comfort within the shortest possible distance. People shouldn’t spend too much of their time travelling, unless it’s for leisure purposes. 90% will study\work a walking distance from their homes.
  3. The city should also be the place where most of the population’s food is produced.


Unfortunately, today’s schools are reminiscent of prisons, or army – at best. How should education look like? We propose that education should be based on 3 components

  1. Core classes on ecology-related subjects (about 20% of total time)
  2. Sports / group dynamics (about 30% of total time)
  3. Provision of knowledge / skills (about 50% of total time)

The only mandatory classes will be the ecology ones, aside from that – students will choose the subjects that they wish to learn by themselves from a catalogue of computerized courses (most of them in the format of a program, rather than a frontal lesson). Each class will award the student with an educational score (the score will be relevant for academic studies, specific occupations, the right to vote, and the right to be voted for).


The following are the major points of the community’s constitution

  1. The right for membership – people of 18 years of age or older, or younger – with the permission of their parents, may become community members.
  2. The obligation to share the common burden – everyone must work in civic service, which will last 10 years.
  3. The right to vote – people who have acquired a sufficient minimal score may vote to choose representatives for the legislative council and for the executive system.
  4. The right to be voted for – people who have acquired a sufficient minimal score may be chosen to be representatives in the legislative council and in the executive system.
  5. Freedom of occupation – citizens will be able to involve themselves in any occupation that they wish. The system will act to promote specific occupations that are beneficial to the community.
  6. Freedom of, and from, religion – each person has the right to live their faith. The public systems (namely, the education system) will not enforce any religious belief, and will only act based on valid scientific research.
  7. Freedom of opinion – people may express their opinions on social and security issues freely.
  8. The right for personal safety – people should be able to live without fear of being harmed, people will be able to live safely, in a community that cares for their needs – housing, education, healthcare, security, nutrition, and culture.
  9. Private property rights – things that you’ve created are yours. But you may not sell them for money.
  10. The right to life – particularly women’s right over their own bodies.
  11. The right to equality under the law and in public pursuits – people may not be discriminated based on religion, ethnicity, gender or sexual preferences.
  12. The right of future generations – the right of future generations to get a better world should imply some restrictions – restrictions over consumption, as well as birth restrictions.

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